Pasture Walk at Mayday Farms, Leeds Maine

July 21, 2023 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Stonyfield and Mayday Farm are hosting a Pasture Walk on July 21st from 11am-1pm at Mayday Farm in Leeds, ME, led by farm owners Haden Gooch and Katie Gualtieri & Sarah Flack. The meeting will include a field walk and farm tour to discuss:

  • Pasture renovation: Using annual rotations to renovate degraded pastures, tillage for field renovations, and chicken litter to support rebuilding soil fertility
  • Cow manager ear-sensor technology: Haden and Katie will discuss how they like the system they’re trialing and how the tech has improved farm management systems
  • Management for forage quality: Clipping pastures as a strategy to keep pastures vegetative and improve dairy quality
  • Soil health and drought management at Mayday


This meeting is open to anyone, please RSVP to Dana Bourne (