Profitable Meat Pricing

March 18, 2021 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

You are raising and selling local meat, but are you making a profit doing so? Matt LeRoux will walk participants through the recently updated Cornell Meat Pricing Tool and the supporting marketing techniques needed to command prices that deliver a profit in every channel. For those familiar with the Meat Pricing Calculator, this workshop will provide more hands-on training than in previous years.

Matt LeRoux, Ag. Marketing Consultant, has nearly 20 years of experience serving farms through Cornell Cooperative Extension, non-profits, and consulting. Specializing in market strategy, Matt works with a diverse mix of produce and livestock farmers and food businesses. Career highlights include developing the Marketing Channel Assessment Tool for produce growers and the Cornell Meat Price & Yield Calculator.

CONTACT: REGISTER HERE. Please contact Stevie,, if you need assistance or have questions.