Silvopasturing as a Strategy to Enhance Grazing Systems in New England

March 9, 2021 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm


Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation’s (MFBF’s) Young Farmers and Ranchers (YF&R) committee is sponsoring a webinar on March 9 at 7 p.m. covering silvopasturing as a strategy to enhance grazing systems in New England. Speaker, Brett, Chedzoy, will share personal experiences on how silvopasturing has benefited family ranching operations in western New York and central Argentina to improve the land and welfare of their livestock, while also improving the bottom line.

Brett Chedzoy is a forester with Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Schuyler County, New York. He works regionally on forestry, agroforestry and grazing education and his experiences with silvopasturing spans 30 years.

This webinar is $10 for members of MFBF and $25 for non-members. It will be recorded and shared with paying participants following the meeting.

Contact: To register, please visit: